Volcanic environment

1 Платформа SpringerLink:

- More than 3,000 Springer magazines 1997-2018;

- More than 70,000 Springer e-books: 2005-2017 (2005-2010 through the RFBR and 2011-2017 through the State Public Scientific Technical Library), including monographs, reference books and conference proceedings;

2. Платформа SpringerNature

More than 90 scientific journals, including the oldest and one of the most respected scientific journals - Nature.

3. База данных SpringerMaterials

Springer Materials is the most comprehensive database that describes the properties and characteristics of materials. It accumulates information from such disciplines as materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, mechanical engineering, etc.

4. База данных SpringerProtocols

Springer Protocols is an invaluable resource for modern research laboratories. The largest database of reproducible laboratory protocols (over 40,000) provides access to reliable and reliable data accumulated over the past 30 years.

5. База данных zbMath

zbMATH is the most complete mathematical database covering materials from the late 19th century. zbMath contains about 4,000,000 documents from more than 3,000 journals and 170,000 books on mathematics, statistics, computer science, as well as engineering, physics, natural sciences, etc.

6. База данных Nano

The Nano database was first made available to all RFBR grantees. This unique resource provides data on over 200,000 nanomaterials and nanodevices, collected from the most reputable scientific publications.

7. Scopus

The international scientific citation index Scopus contains information in full and

includes the following services:

analysis of search results broken down by source name, author surname, year, organization name, source type and document type, as well as keywords;

integration with full-text sources of at least 5,000 global scientific publishing houses (the ability to follow links to full texts of articles);

indication of articles from open access journals in search results;

indexing and the appearance of most abstracts before the publication of the printed version of the journal (in at least 5,000 journals);

Citation Tracker

author profiles and organizations with data on research papers and citations

automatic h-index detection for authors;

comparative evaluation of journals by the number of publications, the number of citations made for publications, the number of publications with zero citations and review publications, as well as the Source Normalized Impact for paper (SNIP), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) and Impact per Publication (IPP).8. WoS

The Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database is the main resource for researchers in the search and analysis of scientific literature. Access is provided to the Web of Science Core Collection, covering about 18,000 scientific journals from around the world and including the following indices:

Science Citation Index Expanded, archive from 1975 to present

Social Sciences Citation Index, archive from 1975 to present

Arts & Humanities Citation Index, archive from 1975 to present

Emerging Sources Citation Index, archive from 2015 to the present

Book Citation Index Science & Social Sciences editions, archive from 2005 to the present.

Conference Proceedings Citation Index Science & Social Sciences editions, archive from 1990 to the present.