Volcanic environment

Purpose and subject of activity

At present, the purpose and subject of the Institute’s activity is to carry out fundamental, exploratory and applied research in the field of geology, geophysics and geoecology, aimed at studying natural and man-made catastrophic phenomena and problems of rational nature management.

Main scientific areas and activities

Assessment and zoning of territories according to the degree of risk and danger of natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, geological and tsunami hazards). Development of forecasting methods and technologies for reducing risk and reducing the consequences of natural and man-made disasters, including new methods for predicting earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Development of scenarios for the development of seismic regime of individual regions based on the analysis of earthquake catalogs. Construction of maps of detailed seismic zoning and microseismic zoning for settlements, individual sites and various territories. Implementation of technical survey of objects with the definition of seismic resistance, performing vulnerability assessment and seismic risk for various objects.

Conducting studies of natural and induced seismicity as a result of anthropogenic impacts. Detection of induced seismicity during the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits. Analysis of seismic manifestations of astronomical factors (lunisolar tides, changes in the speed of rotation of the Earth).

Research of geodynamic processes based on geological, geophysical, geodesic, seismological and space GPS / GLONASS measurements. Creation and maintenance of the functioning of space geodesy networks.

Conducting studies of the geological structure and geodynamics of the bottom of the Far Eastern seas and the adjacent bed of the Pacific Ocean, ensuring the development of technologies for assessing hydrocarbon resources and predicting the state of the lithosphere.

Realization of studies of natural and man-made objects and structures by the methods of gravimetry, magnetometry, thermometry, electrometry, seismic acoustics, registration of other physical fields of the Earth.

Development and distribution of algorithms for processing geological, geophysical, hydrometeorological and hydro physical information, monitoring data of geophysical processes, the formation and maintenance of automated databases and software.

Research on the dynamics of focused unloading of geofluids in mud volcanoes and its connection with regional seismicity.

Conducting analytical work in the field of research of substances and materials of various natural and man-made objects. The study of the concentration, state and forms of finding chemical elements in all types of natural substances (the earth's crust, the deep substance of the Earth, hydrosphere, living substance), as well as thermodynamic modeling of the geochemical processes under study based on this information.

Conducting studies of the qualitative and quantitative composition of chemical compounds and their mixtures in samples of surface, sea and stratal waters for the purpose of geo-ecological monitoring for their pollution or changes under the influence of natural and man-made factors.

The study of the patterns of formation and mode of natural waters, including thermal, in various geological conditions and environments. Evaluation of balneological resources (thermal, mineral waters and therapeutic mud) of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, development of recommendations for their rational use.

Analysis of the processes of modern hydrothermal formation of rare and noble metals and the search for patterns of their location.

Conducting studies of modern volcanism in the Kuril Islands, the implementation of measures for the organization of ground and space monitoring of active volcanoes.

The study of the material composition and genetic features of the Meso-Cenozoic volcanics of various genesis and related minerals.

Perform remote thermal imaging of active volcanoes, search and survey of thermal anomalies, thermal imaging control of infrastructure.

Implementation of ground and space monitoring of active volcanoes of the Kuril Islands, mapping of volcanic danger. Formation and provision of telemetry systems and data transmission of geological and geophysical information.

Realization of operational data analysis and volcanic hazard assessment for settlements located near active volcanoes of the Kuril Islands.

Experimental study of tsunamis and other dangerous marine phenomena, including meteorological nature (storm surges, meteo-tsunami, seiche, tractors). Improving methods for early detection and prediction of a tsunami.

Estimation of the degree of tsunami hazard of various coastal areas, calculation of possible loads on objects and structures in the coastal zone, construction of overview and detailed maps of coastal tsunami hazard.

Assessment of risks associated with the impact on objects in the coastal zone of dangerous marine phenomena, including meteorological nature (storm waves, swept-surge level fluctuations, seiches, traps).

Instrumental measurements of oceanological, meteorological and hydrological characteristics of the environment. Calculations of extreme heights of wind waves, sea level fluctuations, current velocities and ice drift of rare frequency.

Studying and monitoring the morpholithodynamics of the sea and lagoon shores, as well as the underwater coastal slope. Performance of hydrotechnical studies on rivers and inland waters, development of recommendations for coastal protection. The study of sediment transport in the coastal zone of the sea and the development of recommendations for the prevention of coastal hydraulic structures.

Implementation of integrated monitoring of the state of the ecological systems of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, assessment and forecasting of their changes as a result of the action of natural and man-made factors, including in the context of the intensification of the activities of the oil and gas industrial complex. Development of recommendations on biodiversity conservation and environmental management.

Carrying out studies of structural adaptations of plants to the effects of climatic and endogenous factors of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, as well as various types of human impact.

State task

In the Program of Basic Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2017–2020, the Institute is represented by the following works:

Section VI "Biological Sciences",

Subsection 51. “Ecology of Organisms and Communities”,

Subdivision 137 “The evolution of the environment and climate under the influence of natural factors, the scientific foundations of environmental management and sustainable development; territorial organization of the economy and society. "

Section VIII "Earth Sciences"

Subsection 124 “Geodynamic laws of the material-structural evolution of the solid shells of the Earth”

Sub-section 133 “The World Ocean (physical, chemical and biological processes, geology, geodynamics and mineral resources of the oceanic lithosphere and continental margins; the role of the ocean in shaping the Earth’s climate, current climatic and anthropogenic changes in ocean natural systems)”

Subdivision 136 “Catastrophic endogenous and exogenous processes, including extreme changes in space weather: problems of forecasting and reducing the level of negative consequences”,

Subsection 79. “The evolution of the environment and climate under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, the scientific foundations of environmental management and sustainable development; territorial organization of economy and society ",

Subsection 80. “Scientific basis for the development of methods, technologies and means for the study of the Earth’s surface and bowels, the atmosphere, including the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere; numerical modeling and geoinformatics: spatial data infrastructure and GIS technologies ”.

Main themes:

"Comprehensive assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the geosystems of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands"

"Geological and geophysical studies of the structure of the Far Eastern Transition Zone and the North-West of the Pacific Ocean, the geodynamics of the region and the relationship with hydrocarbon deposits"

“Volcanic activity and geodynamic processes on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands: monitoring, post-volcanic processes, petrological and geochemical features, paleovolcanological reconstructions”

"Development of models of seismic and geodeformation processes in natural and man-made systems and their use in order to predict strong earthquakes in the Far Eastern region of Russia"

"Floods on the sea shores: monitoring, modeling, forecast"

RFBR projects

The institute runs about 10 initiative projects annually under the RFBR grants. All the research works carried out under the grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research correspond to the themes of government institutions of the institute, but do not duplicate them. Initiative projects allow you to expand your search.